Twisted Threads Story...

Welcome to Twisted Threads, where the spooky meets the sound! We’re all about fusing gothic horror vibes with the raw energy of emo and rock music, mixed with a dash of pop culture, to create t-shirts that scream personality. From playful cryptids and eerie monsters to dark humor and mental health positivity, our designs are perfect for those who love a little mischief in their wardrobe. Whether you’re moshing to your favorite band, quoting your favorite movie, or embracing your emotions, we’ve got you covered—literally. Twisted Threads: where the creepy, the cool, and the pop-culture-savvy come to hang! 

Twisted Threads is a labor of love from a father inspired by his daughter’s passion for all things dark and mysterious. Her love for spooky themes, gothic imagery, and unique style sparked the idea to create a brand that reflects her interests while adding a fun twist. What began as a way to connect with his daughter through shared creativity has evolved into a full-blown t-shirt brand that embraces the weird, the wild, and the wonderful. At Twisted Threads, we celebrate the power of individuality, family, and a shared love for all things quirky and cool.